Geert Lovink, On the social media ideology

«Now that we live fully in social media times, it has become pertinent to do precisely that: link techne with psyche.» … «What remains particularly unexplained is the apparent paradox between the hyper-individualized subject and the herd mentality of the social.» … «One function of ideology as defined by Louis Althusser is recognition, the (in)famous interpellation of the subject that is being called upon.»

L’essai publié sur e-flux arrive bien a circonscrire les enjeux actuels d’idéologie. Même si il manque de retourner la question d’idéologie sur elle-même – comment l’idéologie apparente devienne-t-elle le propre des i-industries et donc leur contradiction – il est tres utile pour penser la question de la critique aujourd’hui et notamment celle de l’exposition.

Digital Solidarity by Felix Stalder

Actually discussed for Kultur der Digitalität which hasn’t been, sadly enough, translated yet, Felix Stadler asked the right questions on the possibilities and the conditions on solidarity in digital conditions in this book, published 2013:

Felix Stalder’s extended essay, Digital Solidarity, responds to the wave of new forms of networked organisation emerging from and colliding with the global economic crisis of 2008. Across the globe, voluntary association, participatory decision-making and the sharing of resources, all widely adopted online, are being translated into new forms of social space. This movement operates in the breach between accelerating technical innovation, on the one hand, and the crises of institutions which organise, or increasingly restrain society on the other. Continuer la lecture de « Digital Solidarity by Felix Stalder »